An Important Message from the Parliament of the Collective Intelligence
Ra is the spokesperson for the collective Pleiadeans Emissaries of Light and Pleiadean Archangels assigned to communicate with and teach me. The following is a message from Ra:
You and your planet are undergoing a unique and wondrous transition in your spiritual evolution at this time. You are preparing for a quantum leap unlike any that has ever occurred before. In order to help you understand this more fully, I must first tell you about the orbit of the entire galaxy around the Great Central Sun of All That Is. Just like your “solar ring”- our term for “solar system”-orbits around the Galactic Center, the galaxy itself moves through space in the form of continual, connecting circles, like a great cosmic spiral. At the completion point of a multibillion-year single circular orbit around the Great Central Sun, our galaxy connects diagonally to the next ring on the great cosmic spiral. When this diagonal move from one ring of the great cosmic spiral to the next takes place, all of the planets, solar systems, and their inhabitants simultaneously take an initiatic step into a new evolutionary cycle. This is occurring now. You are not only at the end of a 26,000-year Earth/Sun/Pleiadean cycle; the entire Pleiadean system, which includes this solar ring, is at the end of a 230,000,000-year orbit around the Galactic Center, and the entire galaxy is at the completion of its infinitely longer orbit around the Great Central Sun. All three cycles are synchronistically completing the last step of the spiral dance-within-dance-within-a-dance, making this a very crucial transition time. The objective is to finish the dance and begin the new one without anyone’s toes getting stepped on. Then the next, more sophisticated and gracious dance will begin right on time.
What this adds up to in terms of Earth’s planetary evolution is this: when the 100,000 – year Ice Age ended nearly 150,000 years ago, the galaxy was midway in its diagonal shift to the next ring on the great cosmic spiral-the old dance had ended, and the new one was being prepared for. In order to prepare for the next evolutionary spiral, the entire galaxy entered into a clean-up period of past karmic patterns that completed at the end of the year 2012.
Karmic cleanup always happens at the end of a major cycle. Whatever is left unresolved from the previous evolutionary spiral is brought to the surface and acted out one last time for the purpose of transmutation and transcendence. When this housecleaning is completed, a different evolutionary cycle in relationship to God/Goddess/All That Is begins. This housecleaning is being completed now.
Rebirth and initiatic spiritual leaps are experienced during such a transitional time. The consciousnesses birthed are products of new paradigms, and new potentials, and they benefit from all of the learning of the previous spiral, although they do so unconsciously. Metaphorically, it is like you take all of the dance steps you learned in previous lessons, polish up on the rough spots, master them, and then begin to add new steps that are much more exciting and challenging. Even the rhythm of the music speeds up, adding more inspiration.
At the beginning of 2013, the entire Pleiadean system, which includes your Sun as its eighth star, became a system of higher learning and home to Cities of Light. Cities of Light are places where entire populations are spiritually aware of evolution and the sacredness of all things. All residents of Cities of Light recognize and live for the evolution and growth of themselves as individuals, of the rest of the group, and of all existence. In other words, their lives are dedicated to serving the Divine Plan, and they are, at the very least, at the level of Christ consciousness. Earth and your solar ring are the last in the Pleiadean system for this shift. All of the rest of the seven Pleiadean solar rings, the Seven Sisters, are presently actualized as mystery schools and homes of Cities of Light; each of these seven solar rings elevated to its next natural higher evolutionary function when the new dance called the Age of Light started in 2013.
For the time being, Earth undergo a spiritual and physical housecleaning corresponding to what have commonly been called “Earth changes.” These changes, which have already begun, intensify both externally and internally as your solar ring moves deeper into the photon band – a high-frequency cosmic emanation from the Galactic Center. You have been in and out of the edges of this photon band for a few years now, and, by the year 2000, will be completely immersed in this band for the next 2000 years. Sacred encodings, necessary for your solar ring’s spiritual awakening and evolutionary leap, will be transmitted to the Sun, Earth, and all of your solar ring via the Galactic Center, Sirius, Alcyone, and Maya, which is also one of the stars of the Pleiades. Once these initial transmissions are completed, your Sun will continue to transmit the encodings to the entire solar ring. These photonic emanations and encodings will be of such extremely high-vibrational transmissions that they will require that your central nervous systems, emotional bodies, and electrical bodies be well-tuned in order to be capable of withstanding them. [Author’s Note: Barbara Hand Clow gives a much more detailed description and story about the photon band and the cosmological changes in dimensional relationships we are undergoing in her latest book, The Pleiadean Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light]
Many of you are already experiencing an intensification in your own growth and clearing processes as your planet goes in and out of the edges of the photon band. The increase in frequencies will continue to accelerate without let-up for the next years, until the galaxy as a whole is fully anchored in its new orbital pattern, and Earth is initiated as a mystery school and home for the Cities of Light.
You who now live on Earth must choose whether or not you are ready to become spiritually responsible human beings in order to remain on Earth. Those who do not wish to remain on Earth will be taken to another planet in a different part of the galaxy where karmic lessons and third-dimensional evolution will continue. Those who do intend to stay must learn the new dance of the Age of Light that requires opening and activation of the Divine Ka. Unless the Ka is fully functional, your bodies simply will not be able to withstand the frequency increases as the ever-intensifying photonic light fills the atmosphere of your planet and the bodies of all who remain. So, the appropriate and only attire that is acceptable for the new dance is your Ka-stume. (Divine Ka: The Ka body is your divine double, and the process of opening your Ka-channels creates a bridge between your Higher Self and your physical body, so that you may become the living embodiment of your Higher Self expressed through your physical form. (1) the divine double of the physical body that brings in higher frequency light and life force to the physical; must be fully functional in order for the Master Presence to anchor into the physical body; (2) made up of a vast network of varying sized Ka Channels, including a meridian-like system through which down-stepped higher-frequency energies enter and maintain the etheric light body aspect of your physical existence; (3) the interface between the physical body, higher dimensions, and the Master Presence, also known as the Higher Self, or Christed Self. (4) Ka energy is rarefied, down-stepped high frequency light from the higher-dimensional self.)
Harmonic Convergence in 1987 was a planetary wakeup call notifying all planetary citizens to learn the new dance and embrace a “win/win” philosophy in order to make it to the shift in planetary focus. It was indeed a message to learn about co creation for the mutual benefit of all affected, and to understand mind-linking with higher collective consciousness. This event was not actually limited to the two-day experience that occurred at that time. There is an ongoing twenty-five-year Harmonic Convergence, with many activation days for renewing your commitment to the spiritualization of Earth and her people.
When a person has reached a certain point in the evolution of consciousness, he or she may be living in an area where a massive earthquake or flood kills everyone, yet he or she simply ascends to the next dimensional level vibrationally and experiences a spiritual elevation instead of death. This person may even assist others who are ready to embrace the Light in making the vibrational shift. In areas of large quakes, floods, fires, and other Earth changes where fear, denial, hate, greed, and anger have created dense, lower-astral amorphous energy planes, souls can become entrapped in these illusionary realities at death. However, Light Beings are always there to assist those who are willing to free themselves. Beings who ascend, instead of experiencing physical death at those times, can elevate the entire area around them to a light field where those who wish to evolve and enter the light may take refuge and make the transition, smoothly. Those who perform this service chose to do so prior to entering this Lifetime, and generally have past-life experience working with souls going through the death transition.
There is nothing to be feared. Those who are genuinely committed to the Light and are living in it will simply move to their next higher alternative. Others will be given choices every step of the way; they can choose to progress spiritually through their experiences or remain in fear and illusion. It is vital that all judgment be suspended with regard to those whose bodies are killed in these Earth changes. Some people will choose natural “disasters” as ways of leaving because their higher consciousnesses realize that their human selves have gone too far into illusion to change in this Lifetime. Others will exit Earth in this way in order to assist beings move into the Light during the death transition and to set the pattern of ascension, as mentioned previously. Yet others will choose this way of dying because they are ready to leave Earth and go to the next planet of their evolutionary choice. Still others will die physically because their body genetics and cellular mutations are too extreme to be transmuted in the remaining time for transformational process on this planet. Regardless of why a person’s body dies, or, in the case of ascension, appears to die, the collective higher consciousness has a significant enough influence to see to it that there are no accidents. Those who leave the physical world are intended to leave. Those who remain on Earth will have the responsibility of assisting one another both in physical survival and in spiritual evolution.
By the year 2013, everyone who remains on Earth must understand the following four evolutionary principles:
(1) The human purpose on Earth is to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
(2) Every human being has a Divine Essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness.
(3) Free will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender its free will to divine will in faith and trust. (4) All of natural existence is sacred beyond how it serves or meets the needs of the individual self.
At this time, every human alive is being presented with these four spiritual principles in subtle or direct ways. It is a planetary law that before the end of a major time cycle, such as the one occurring at this time, every single living person must be reminded of the four evolutionary principles they are expected to embrace. Some people will receive these messages through books or movies. Others will have death experiences and return to their physical bodies changed and able to affect change in their loved ones. Many people will have visitations from angels, Ascended Masters, or Mother Mary; such visitations have already been reported often in this century. The message of evolutionary consciousness and sacredness will also be given subconsciously to all who see, wear, or hold certain objects such as crystals and gemstone jewellery. These are only examples of ways in which the planetary movement to impart the four spiritual truths takes place.
Your part in all of this is to live right, learn about and practice impeccability, pray to know the Divine Plan and your part in it, and heal and clear yourself on all levels as much as possible. On a collective level, there are seven primary karmic patterns that need to be cleared and transcended at this time. The patterns that are currently being exaggerated in order to bring them into your awareness so that you can transform them are: arrogance, addiction, prejudice, hatred, violence, victimhood, and shame. These seven sources of pain, illusion, and separation are listed in the order they developed in this solar ring- beginning on Venus and expanding on Mars, Maldek, and finally Earth. How they have culminated on Earth is so obvious that it seems pointless to elaborate very much.
From the most obvious to the most subtle, each person individually must do his/her part to recognize and heal karmic patterns. The variations of individual expression of these seven main karmic issues are many. However, if you look closely enough, you can see that the source of every problem on Earth today is one or more of these seven solar-ring karmic patterns.
These patterns are accompanied by the absence of awareness of the four evolutionary principles, which must now be learned. [Author’s Note: There are also seven primary vices, or ego allurements, that are specific to the lncan mystery school teachings and to planet Earth. They are: lust, laziness, gluttony, pride, anger, envy, and greed. In the Incan teachings, humans must overcome these ego allurements prior to attaining spiritual power.
For those of you who have mastered the behavioural and attitudinal levels of these patterns, or are sincerely working on them, your next step is conscious alignment with your Higher Self, higher collective consciousness, and Divine Oneness. It is the desire of the Pleiadean Emissaries of Light to assist those of you who wish to prepare for Earth changes, evolve, and ascend to do just that. We [the Pleiadeans) have always made ourselves consciously available to beings of this solar ring during times of evolutionary cycle changes, and now is no exception. You see, when we began to interact with individuals and groups on Earth in the early part of this century, 100 years prior to the end of the current 26,000-year cycle, the people of Earth had asked for a chance to wake up on their own before any large-scale direct communications were made by the hierarchies: namely, the Pleiadeans, Light Beings from Sirius, Andromedan Emissaries of Light, the Supreme Being, the Higher Council of Twelve, the Great White Brotherhood, and other, smaller spiritual groups.
At the end of the last 26,000-year cycle on Earth, there were less than 1,500,000 humans left on the planet after the destruction brought on by the pole shifts and Earth changes at that time. This may sound like a lot, but when you consider that those people were spread out all over the planet, and that prior to that time the population of Earth had been close to 2,000,000,000 people, those humans remaining were few in number.
The collective higher consciousness was not as developed at that time, but it did exist, and this consciousness requested that mystery schools be established in every cultural group on the planet. All of the people on Earth were to have equal opportunity to learn and grow. As the younger souls whose bodies had died in the Earth changes were reborn onto Earth and the population began to increase again, the spiritual practices and teachings were to be well established, and the life styles commensurate with spiritual evolution and awareness. Even today, there are Native American and Mayan groups whose histories of spiritual practice are estimated to be roughly 25,000 years old. This is no coincidence. Pleiadean, Syrian, and Andromedan teachers precipitated bodies and helped organize various civilizations such as those in Machu Picchu, Egypt, and even Atlantis. Lemuria had lost most of its land mass and population, but the initiatic temples and teachings were preserved on what territory still remained in Hawaii and Mt. Shasta, California.
Different mystery schools were begun at each location, although the information and practices often overlapped. The Order of Melchizedek and the Temples of Alorah were established in Atlantis. Although the use of crystals had been developed extensively and then lost in previous times, the use of crystals for healing and multidimensional communications reemerged. Thoth brought solar initiations and consciousness to Egypt, along with advanced spiritual trainings such as teleportation, telekinesis, and Merkabah travel through dimensions and beyond time and space. The Great Pyramid was also constructed during this time period for the purpose of receiving and transmitting solar encodings and initiations for the people of Egypt and the whole planet. Sacred dreaming was taught in every culture and evolved into shamanic practices, dream healing, and other means of multidimensional travel and communications.
The Pleiadeans, Syrians, and Andromedans who taught the people and helped establish the mystery schools often travelled back and forth between dimensions. Many of them specialized in materializing and dematerializing their light bodies and served as go-betweens for Earth beings, subterranean civilizations, and the many lightships that were located around the planet at that time. As the young, less-evolved souls began to reincarnate around 25,000 years ago, the higher dimensional teachers continued their relationships with humans for another 250 years in order to assist with the transition into civilizations consisting of many different levels of soul evolution and galactic origins. Some humans were still barely evolved beyond instinctual behaviour and survival consciousness. Their next evolutionary step was to be born to more evolved parents, intermarry with more evolved beings, and thereby expand their level of awareness. Many of the Pleiadeans accepted assignments as permanent guides for these young souls as the intermixing began; some of the Pleiadeans even took on human lives and mated with humans in order to help dear the genetic patterns and awaken the urge for spiritual evolution. This process is sometimes referred to as “starseeding.”
Everything was done in response to requests from, or agreements with, the higher collective consciousness of Earth dwellers. Earth beings had asked to form their own mystery schools and higher-dimensional initiatic schools by evolving, becoming enlightened, and remaining in the higher dimensions around Earth in order to assist their fellow humans. The Great White Brotherhood had previously existed for nearly 15,000 years, at which time there had been a simultaneous group awakening of over 1000 humans from various cultures on Earth. These 1000 unanimously had agreed to establish the Great White Brotherhood, which at that time was called the Order of the Great White Light, to set a precedent for spiritual enlightenment and transcendence on Earth.
Some of the members of this bodhisattva order chose to reincarnate from time to time as Ascended Master teachers. They experienced physical birth to spiritual parents and generally became enlightened again by age twenty-one. At that time, they remembered their own past lives, ascension, and spiritual purpose. These reincarnated bodhisattvas were wonderful and powerful teachers due to the fact that they had a more natural camaraderie with Earth people than those who had not been human before. At times, these Ascended Masters were and still are today-born into younger-soul families with varying degrees of genetic damage and karmic patterning. These bodhisattvas took on the responsibility of transformation, transmutation, and transcendence of the lower energies in order to create etheric and consciousness “maps” for others to follow; they have been, and are, evolutionary forerunners.
The hierarchies agreed to expand the Order of the Great White Light to include enlightened and ascended humans for such roles as: the Office of the Christ; Buddha; the Order of Merlins; Goddess positions, such as that of the Holy Mother now held by Quan Yin and Mother Mary; kachinas; and regional teachers and guides. Prior to the beginning of the current 26,000-year cycle, higher-dimensional offices, guides, teachers, and planetary spiritual leaders had been mostly Light Beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, and Andromeda. Now the people were developing enough of their own enlightened and ascended beings to establish their own guides and mystery schools.
At the beginning of this 26,000-year cycle, it was also requested that, except at crucial cyclical and evolutionary turning points, higher teachings and guidance come from those enlightened ones who had experienced human incarnations. The people of Earth had to evolve to the point that they were capable of communicating with the higher dimensions and star systems themselves. This is where the Ka teachings came in. The people needed to understand how they could hope to accomplish their spiritual goals and become a race of masters on Earth. The Pleiadeans taught them about their Higher Selves, the Ka through which they could permanently connect with their Higher Selves, the higher dimensions, and the star systems. By living right, evolving, meditating, praying, and mastering their consciousnesses, they could align with their Higher Selves. By awakening the Divine Ka, they could merge their Higher Selves with their physical bodies and embody their Divine Master Presences, or Christ Selves. There would be a period of time preceding their full enlightenment during which their genetic transmutations would be completed as a result of the flow of Ka energy through their Ka channels and minute circuitry into their astral bodies and physical bodies’ nervous systems, glandular systems, and electrical meridian systems, such as those used in acupuncture and Shiatsu.
Over the following 5200 years, several thousand people who were initiated in the Ka Temples in Egypt and Atlantis became enlightened, and many of these people attained the next level, Christ consciousness, as well. Some chose to remain on Earth and were capable of living up to 2000 years in the same body by maintaining their Ka Channels and spiritual practices. That same 5200-year period also birthed other paths to enlightenment that were successful for the more evolved humans on the planet who were ready.
At the end of that 5200 years, there was a massive earthquake that destroyed most of the remaining temples of Lemuria and half of the land mass of Atlantis. Those members of the Lemurian race who remained on Earth chose to recolonize as a subterranean culture under Mt. Shasta. A few of the Lemurians integrated into Native American, Hawaiian, and Tibetan tribes, later becoming Maya, Inca, and Buddhists. These former Lemurians served as spiritual leaders and teachers in those cultures. The Atlanteans who remained were still numerous enough to continue their culture. As a group consciousness, they asked for the being whose Earth name was Thoth to incarnate among their people and re-establish the ancient teachings that had been lost to them in the quakes. Thoth, who was a Ra member of the Pleiadean Archangelic Tribes, responded to their requests by precipitating a physical body. He became the spiritual leader of Atlantis.
Shortly after Thoth’s arrival in Atlantis, there was a major breach in Earth’s atmospheric time space continuum during which a group of beings who had originally invaded Orion from the Lyran system arrived on Earth. Lucifer was leading them and helped them both create the breach and penetrate it afterward. This was accomplished by intense, high-frequency transmissions into Earth’s atmosphere from outside the solar ring, followed by immediate transport of a ship through the breach it had created. The Orion beings, or Lyrans, with Lucifer’s help, had mastered “no-time-and-space” travel, enabling them to project through the breach within seconds of its creation, before they could be stopped. Their interaction with Earth was inevitable at some point in time due to karmic connections between the Lyrans, Lucifer, and some of the humans on Earth. They landed in Atlantis as preplanned, because it was the place most conducive to their purpose. Immediately, they began to indoctrinate the Atlanteans with their “superior” knowledge of technology. The Atlanteans had taken pride in being the most evolved race on Earth at that time and they were always searching for new areas of mastery. The Lyrans manipulated them with promises of unlimited power, technology, influence, and with demonstrations of Lyran “superiority” via technology, psychic control, and Intelligence. The Atlanteans were promised that they could have those abilities, too, if they welcomed the Lyrans and allowed them to infiltrate their culture. Many Atlanteans were immediately distrustful of the Lyrans and discerned the spiritual trap that was being set. Others were more gullible and hungry for power and supremacy and welcomed the Lyrans wholeheartedly.
For the following 10,000 years, Atlantis was divided into two distinct population segments: one that included the Lyrans and excelled technologically, and one that remained spiritually pure and devoted. The Temples of Melchizedek were badly infiltrated by the controlling and manipulative invaders and their influence. A group called the Gray Robes, and later the Black Robes, was formed. Their focus was on the development of psychic power and black magic. Some of the Melchizedek priests remained pure, but more did not. There were Temples of Alorah in Atlantis at that time that housed Goddesspriestess orders whose teachings came from the ninth dimension through a hierarchical order called the Council of Nine. These teachings remained untainted by the Lyrans and Lucifer, and the priestesses openly defied and discouraged involvement with the Dark Brothers, as they were also called. Originally those Atlanteans who wished to practice the arts of magic and alchemy were first trained spiritually to ensure that they learned the right use of the powers. But eventually the spiritual protocol broke down, and training in psychic power and black magic became widespread. Lucifer was always invisible to the people but nonetheless was a major subconscious influence. He controlled the Lyran Dark Brotherhood and could possess the bodies of members of the Dark Brotherhood at any time in order to communicate with them or through them to other Atlanteans. Lucifer used this means of reaching the people often. His purpose was to break down the Atlanteans’ trust in the forces of Light that ruled the planet and solar ring; eventually, he hoped to take control as Supreme Being on Earth.
Lucifer and the Dark Brothers penetrated the consciousnesses of many males on Earth who were vulnerable to psychic control due to their own shadow desire for control and domination, especially over females. A subterranean astral plane, as well as subterranean ceremonial grounds and dwellings, was created where the lower collective consciousness of the Dark Brotherhood established territory and sent energy waves and subliminal messages through Earth to the people on the surface. This collective consciousness was, and still is, what you call “Satan.” It was created by a fusion of the lower consciousnesses of all members of the Dark Brotherhood.
This Satanic force has the ability to operate as a single large entity. The bigger this collective consciousness grew, with its control and imposed supremacy over the Goddess, Earth, your solar ring, and Divinity, the more power this dark force had to generate its own continued growth. The polarization of Dark and Light intensified quickly on Earth as the subconscious minds of humans were bombarded with negative thoughts and images about distrust in God and the Divine Plan, the inferiority of females, and the superiority of the mental realm over the emotional and spiritual realms.
Technology and black magic grew to proportions never before experienced on Earth. The temples of Light became more and more the realm of females, and the temples of Darkness became more and more the realm of males. Of course, this division was not absolute, but it was true for the most part.
By the end of the Atlantean era-10,000 years after the arrival of Lucifer and the Lyrans-chaos and fear were rampant in that civilization. Competition for control and supremacy was the general attitude in Atlantis, and even in the Temples of Alorah, fear and hiding were prevalent.
Before the end of Atlantis, the leaders of the orders and temples that still held the Light were warned and advised to disperse their teachings around the globe. It would be a long time before all of the higher knowledge could remain in anyone place due to the Satanic influence upon the people of Earth. Therefore, people trained in all areas of spiritual development left Atlantis in small groups. They took with them many crystals containing Akashic Record information that had been channelled and programmed into them by the Council of Truth. One of the crystals that was removed and taken by the high priestesses of the Temples of Alorah to Greece was shaped like the skull of Thoth, who had left Atlantis almost 9000 years before. The crystal skull was buried beneath the Temple of the Oracle at Delphi-which this group of priestesses created-and served to protect the temple from the dark subliminal messages and energy waves sent from beneath Earth’s surface. Since this temple could not be psychically polluted, the Dark Brotherhood, under the name of the “Warriors of Zeus,” eventually imprisoned and killed the priestesses and claimed the temple for their patriarchal god.
Other groups took crystals and teachings to Central America, Western Europe, the Himalayas, South Africa, Eastern Asia, Australia, South America, and Egypt. (Indigenous tribes of Nort America were in their own unique evolutionary phase at that time, and therefore infiltration by the Atlanteans was inappropriate.) The largest group, consisting of both men and women, went to Egypt, as per the instructions from the Council of Nine. The people in all the groups were very dedicated to the preservation of divine truth, which is Light, and spent the rest of their lives establishing initiatic temples and teachings in the various countries. The reason the largest settlement was in Egypt was chiefly due to the existence of the Great Pyramid there; it had always held, and still holds today, the vibrations of divine truth and solar evolutionary encoding.
Many pyramids were to be constructed in Egypt as well as in other locations. They were to be built over large Akashic Record crystals placed in varying grid formations that would hold the light and prevent lower-density vibrations from entering. Several pyramids had been built in Atlantis by the Lyrans and their slaves for the purposes of distorting and controlling the encodings from the Sun. But all of these sank beneath the Atlantic Ocean or blew up when Atlantis was destroyed.
The final destruction of Atlantis was primarily caused by an underground transmission of sonic waves so intense that it created a sonic boom beneath Earth’s surface. It was intended to break up the higher-frequency patterns of light in the still existing sacred temples, and to infiltrate these temples with the black-magic and Satanic control energies of the Dark Brotherhood. Instead, the sonic boom was so powerful that it echoed back on its own source, reverberating within the nuclear and crystal energy centers that powered the sound generator. This caused a large explosion that created a chain reaction in other subterranean power generators and resulted in earthquakes the likes of which had never before happened on Earth. [And have never happened since.) Many of the pyramids were literally blown into pieces, while others remained intact. The major Earth changes continued for over two months until the last of Atlantis was laid to rest at the bottom of the ocean.
By then, the people who had left to re-establish spiritual order in other locations were mostly well out of the way of danger and were able to reach their destinations. A few of the groups who had attempted to leave were not far enough away and were swept away by giant tidal waves resulting from the explosions. This final destruction of Atlantis took place roughly 10,400 years ago.
Lucifer collected the Lyrans on the astral planes and began a plan for his next step. The Lyrans chose to remain on the astral planes in both Earth’s atmosphere and in the subterranean Satanic realms to intensify their influence on the subconscious minds of the people of Earth. As a result, tribal warring and feuding began to occur more frequently all over your planet. Many Native American, African, European, Central and South American indigenous peoples split apart into separate tribes, whereas in the past they had all been part of a vast brotherhood. Territorial competitions, disputes over mineral and water rights, spiritual differences, and unexplainable distrust became reasons for the segregation movement. In other areas, the arrival of the spiritual Atlanteans pulled the people together, and the evolution of these various cultures accelerated. The subliminal messages of patriarchal supremacy infiltrated the subconscious realms more and more, but some groups were able, with the help of the Atlanteans or their own evolved spiritual leaders, to withstand the pressures and lies presented by the negative psychic thoughtforms. Grids, such as the one at Stonehenge, and medicine wheels were created to stop the destructive astral energies and create safe spaces in which people could hold ceremonies and other gatherings.
For nearly 5000 years, the temples of the Goddess were strong in many of the new Atlantean lands. Male and female temples alike presented and held the sacred teachings of Melchizedek, Thoth, and Alorah; they also expanded their teachings to include the local archetypal deities and spiritual practices. Teachings about male and female roles, spiritual initiation, Ka temples and healing practices, and spiritual evolution soared in Egypt, Greece, and parts of Central and South America. Not all of the tribes in other locations were affected by the astral pollution; some remained pure and humble. But a polarization of Light and Dark was definitely building.
Around 5000 years ago, the Lyrans and their colleagues who had been converted to the Dark Brotherhood began to reincarnate in various spots around the world. Their main objective was to infiltrate the areas of the more spiritually advanced cultures and to incite war and destruction against them. Though this took place gradually over time, the planet experienced many shifts in the ruling forces of the people. Cycles of Light and Dark occurred in Egypt, Greece, Europe, and Central America. The Dark Brotherhood killed, destroyed, raped, and established their rule; then the forces of Light rebelled and overthrew them. This cycle happened repeatedly.
Earth as a whole has always maintained alignment with the Light, the Supreme Being-also called Spirit of Oneness-and the Higher Council of Twelve. However, Earth’s population has undergone many changes with respect to the balance of power. Interestingly enough, the majority of people on Earth have always believed in love and goodness, but they have remained weak and ineffectual against the intimidation of governmental and religious forces who operate for the purpose of control. The population of Earth has, for the most part, felt powerless to affect the ruling classes for a long time; this is the greatest paradox on Earth. One reason for this fear and powerlessness is the fourth and fifth-dimensional astral control by Lucifer, the Lyrans, and the Nibiruans, or Anunnaki. [Author’s Note: This is explained in depth in Barbara Hand Clow’s book, The Pleiadean Agenda.] What is important for you to know at this time is that you do have the power and ability to break free of the psychic control of these astral beings. The information and processes in the rest of this workbook will guide and assist you in doing just that.
When certain groups first came to inhabit Earth about 150,000 years ago, a large meeting of the collective consciousness, including the Pleiadeans, Andromedans, etheric guides, and devic kingdoms, was held. It was decided that a hierarchical structure would be created that would allow as much room for trust and security as possible. This was due to past experiences among the new Earth arrivals with betrayal by members of the higher realms, and deep-seated self-doubt. The self-doubt was the main impetus for the group to demand rulership. The new Earth dwellers simply did not trust themselves tщ make important decisions and be sovereign. Their request was met by the hierarchies who agreed that when the time came for a Supreme Being to be appointed for your planet, there would be a structure of descending spiritual authority with the power to override any decision made by the Supreme Being. The most immediate structure under the Supreme Being would be the Higher Council of Twelve. Its membership would consist of four delegates each from the Pleiades, Sirius, and the neighbouring galaxy of Andromeda. All of the members would be highly evolved Light Beings. Unless the Higher Council of Twelve agreed by consensus with an order from the Supreme Being, the decision in question would be overridden. This way, the people of Earth would know, at least subconsciously, that they were free of the possibility of corruption in the spiritual hierarchy. There would even be a double safeguard within the structure of the Higher Council: at least two members of different origins would be responsible for each area of authority in the next lower realm. For example, In the area of giving instructions to and overseeing the work of the healing angels, one Pleiadean and one Andromedan would overlap in their responsibilities, and neither could do anything about which the other disagreed. This type of structure still exists throughout all of the higher-dimensional offices and groups.
The planetary belief in the need for authorities to rule and make important decisions for you must now be cleared. You are ready to become fully responsible sovereign beings. The existence of so much corruption in government is a product of the lack of trust and self-trust still on Earth. As the Age of Light, also called the Age of Enlightenment, unfolds, it will become increasingly important to end patriarchal systems of government and to return true power to the people. Those who are not capable of handling this responsibility without bringing harm to others can be kept from posing a threat with a group decision-making process. No elected officials will preside. Roles such as meeting facilitator, reporter, and any others required will rotate among the members who are willing to serve in that capacity. In this way, one person or a small contingent can never assume authority over others.
What is needed at this time is for the people of Earth to find the spiritual courage to demand what they want. Of course, many of the well-meaning citizens of Earth have become enmeshed in the struggle for survival and have forgotten about spiritual ideals. However, most humans understand basic morality and desire love. This gives Earth a tremendous opportunity for a spiritual quantum leap at this time. The higher collective consciousness of all human beings on Earth has asked for a chance to create something that has never happened before: a planetary ascension. If this occurs, Earth and all of her people will move together into fourth-and fifth dimensional consciousness and separate their consciousnesses completely from the Satanic and controlling astral planes. The present, ongoing control by destructive forces is based on, and held in place by, two things: (1) the illusion of the supremacy of hate and fear over love, and (2) the belief that the Dark is more powerful than the Light. If by 2013 the entire remaining population of Earth can eliminate these two beliefs and recognize and accept the four spiritual principles mentioned earlier, this planet will be the first ever to accomplish such a spiritual jump.
In order for there to be any hope of this great event taking place, a minimum of-but not limited to-144,000 humans must become enlightened and embody Christ consciousness. When this critical mass of awakened beings is reached, it will be the “Second Coming of Christ en masse.” At that time, a “hundredth monkey effect” will occur, a vibrational wave of enlightenment energy will move through the entire planet and its population, eradicating the lower astral thoughtforms and realms, and dissolving the veils that separate humans from their own inner experience of divine essence and truth. The entire population of Earth will feel this enlightenment wave as it penetrates all of existence on the planet. Planetary enlightenment and the inherent soul purpose of spiritual evolution will be activated. If the Lyrans, Annunaki, Lucifer, members of the Dark Brotherhood, and humans who have aligned with darkness choose spiritual surrender at that time, they will simply join the planetary ascension and be released from the Those who do not choose the Light will experience the destruction of the planet and will find themselves in a galactic recovery center, so to speak. They will be given opportunities for evolution and divine alignment, but not forced. If they request freedom to explore darkness after a certain amount of time, they will be sent to another galaxy in which that option still exists.
Even if something as extreme as a planetary explosion were to occur, the 144,000 or more Christed Beings would simply move into their ascension bodies and take the rest of Earth’s newly awakened people with them. When the critical mass of 144,000 is reached, the impact of these Christed Beings on the rest of the people will be so powerful that each of them will have the ability to pull 144,000 other humans into the higher planes of consciousness. In other words, 144,000 Chris ted ones will create a quantum leap for 20,736,000,000 humans. The dark veil, or “net,” as it has been called, that surrounds the outer atmosphere of Earth will dissolve. This will allow the full galactic encodings to impulse Earth through the Sun. No lower astral planes will be left, and all of the people will have a “white light,” or shaktiput, experience, after which they will find themselves on a new Earth that is more beautiful and dear than the one left behind. They will be on Earth but in the fourth dimension. Those who have ascended in previous lifetimes will move straight to the fifth dimension, or even higher.
Training schools have been prepared in advance for these new spiritual beings who become fourth dimensional. These beings will leam about their own creations of the past, their souls’ origins and purposes, and all of the spiritual teachings appropriate to that level of evolution. A grace period of 1000 years will envelop Earth, during which time peace and a spiritual evolutionary focus will be prevalent. In other words, the mystery schools will be the center of all activity for the entire 1000 years. At the end of that time, Earth will officially step into the galactic role of home of the Cities of Light and mystery school for other third-dimensional planets.
You will become the guardians and teachers for third-dimensional lifeforms as we, the Pleiadeans, have been for you. If you are successful, which we believe you will be, a giant wave of love and joy from the union of higher collective consciousness with third-and fourth-dimensional consciousness will emanate throughout the entire galaxy. This enlightenment wave will instantaneously transmute all remaining karma and lower astral energies in your solar ring into pure light, just as the planetary enlightenment wave will do for Earth and her people. The power of this wave will be felt and have impact on the entire galaxy and all of existence. Why’?
The position of this galaxy in relationship to the Great Central Sun of All That Is has just undergone a cycle change, as mentioned previously. The evolutionary name for this new galactic cycle is “The Evolutionary Spiral of Mastery.” Each solar ring of this galaxy must step up into its next highest evolutionary paradigm. For Earth and your solar ring, that step is to become home of the Cities of Light comprised of Light Beings who have specifically gone through physical incarnations and achieved enlightenment. At the end of the 1000 years of peace, you will have become exclusively a race of Christed Beings.
The Pleiadean Lightwork, and especially the Ka aspect of Pleiadean Lightwork, is one of the avenues of healing and awakening that we, the Pleiadeans, are bringing to you at this time. It is essential that your Ka Channels and Ka Template be cleared of karmic residue and blocked energies in order to enable your Christ Selves to anchor into the physical realm through your physical bodies. You are among the 144,000 or more who will bring about the Age of Enlightenment, Age of Light, Golden Age, or New Age on Earth. The materials presented in this workbook will assist you in making that transition and becoming available for and conducive to the higher frequencies of the Ka, and therefore the Christ body, or Master Presence.
We have faith in you and your planet’s higher consciousness. Although the future looks good, you must not allow any laziness, resistance, or arrogance to stop your progress toward ascension. As long as you do your part and are willing to become the best you are capable of being, we will be there assisting you in any way that is appropriate for us. We will never, however, usurp your own teaming and growth. You are here to become Masters, not invalids who need to be rescued. Let no one tell you that they will do your work for you or save you. It is time for you to save yourselves through persistent and dedicated healing, growth, and continual spiritual awakening. With willingness and determination, all things divine are possible.
(With great love and devotion),
Ra, spokesperson for the Pleiadean Archangelic Tribes of the Light, members of the Pleiadean Emissaries of Light, who are guardians of this solar ring and members of the Galactic Federation of Light of the Great Central Sun.
Excerpt from the book “Awakening Your Divine Ka” by Amorah Quan Yin