Human Progression

A chapter from hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon’s ground-breaking book “The Convoluted Universe. Book One” is an inspiration to generations of souls who have volunteered to come to Earth at this time to help humanity and the planet.

“In my hypnosis technique I use a method of having the client drift down from a cloud into an appropriate past life. I have found it to be 98% effective, so I use it often” – Dolores.

Dolores: What happened on the Earth plane to make people so narrow in their belief system?

Linda: Many, many eons ago people who came to the Earth came with vast knowledge of the universe. There were others who were already living on the Earth, who were not as knowledgeable as those who had just recently come. And it made those who were just coming examine the issue of power. It was something they had not experienced until this time. And they liked that feeling. It gave them an exhilaration they had not known. So they decided to keep their knowledge to themselves and not share it, as it was meant to be. And they enslaved those who were not as knowledgeable. They told them things that were not so, to frighten them into serving them. They were thought of as gods. They became the gods. The general people, the ordinary people that were here first, thought they were gods, because they could do unusual things. It was not meant for this to happen. And when they got into all of this power and greed, they did not want to leave.

They wanted to stay. And so they did. As they passed from this lifetime, stories were handed down about these gods and their great powers. And fear began to take hold. Fear that if they did not do as the gods had said they would be destroyed. It was a very dark time for the planet Earth.

D: What did these beings tell them that frightened them, that allowed them to be enslaved?

L: They told them they could rule the wind and the light, the Sun, the moon, the rain. They ruled it, and if these people didn’t follow their rules, they would be destroyed. The people would have no water, no Sun. They knew they needed the Sun and the water and the wind, the rain. They had to have these things to exist. And the gods had control over all this, so they had to obey or they would be destroyed instantly. They did not know that their being, their spirit, lives forever. They could only see the here and now. The original purpose of these light beings who came to Earth was to share this information, so that the fear could be removed and the people could understand.

D: Did these beings perform wonders to make the people believe they were gods?

L: Yes, they did. It was all a trick. They did it with lights and magic, but the people thought they were gods. I want to say that this is a perfect example of human nature, of the constant fight within against fear and self-service. To service the self. Power.

D: But the beings that came were the ones that caused the problem.

L: Yes. They did not do what they were told. They fell because they came to serve themselves and not humanity.

D: You said this was an example of humans, but yet the problem was not caused by the humans.

L: They were sent to bring the level of the Earth beings to a higher existence. They were sent to teach those that were here, not to make them slaves. They failed in their assignment. They were supposed to make humans understand and live on a higher order of things. They got stuck.

D: What do you mean they got stuck?

L: They became involved in power and lost the light that was to be given to the human element on the Earth. The Earth was a place to experience new things. And those who came here in hopes of raising those who were already here up to their level, got stuck and were brought down to a lower order instead of vice-versa.

D: In other words, that was integrated into the human species? (Yes) Is that all you want to say about that question? (Yes) Why weren’t more sent to help those who had gotten stuck? Why were not some sent to bring those home who were misusing their trust?”

L: The reason being: at that time frame we were afraid if more were sent they too would fall into that pattern. So the decision was made that we would wait until this generation passed, and then send in a new influx with hopes of turning the project around. So that is what happened. The first people who came to Earth were from the planet Tyrantus (Phonetic: Ty-rant-Ius). It is very similar in some respects to the Earth’s magnetic field. So ill was not difficult for these people to be accepted into the main stream of life. They would not be looked upon as oddities. They looked very much like the Earthlings. Unfortunately they failed.

D: Those are the ones that wanted power?

L: Yes. They came first. Some bred with the Earthlings amongst themselves. The second wave that was sent was from lranius. (Phonetic: lran+us) These folks were different. They did not look human, and so therefore they came in disguise. They came as animals.

D: Animals?

L: Yes. And their job was to very quietly work with selected beings to tum the project around. There were some chosen ones who were given instruction from these animals, as they were thought of. It was on another level, this instruction from these beings was imparted to them in their dreams. They were instructed on concepts of love. Immortality and cooperation among the species. It was don very quietly and subtly. Unfortunately this project also failed, because there were only a few that could be indoctrinated into these new thought systems. And they were seemed by the populace. They, because of the fear of the general populace, were afraid to accept what was being given to therm. And of course, the ones in power wouldn’t accept it, because then they would lose their power. So by this time man had sunk to the lowest level and it was a very disappointing situation.

D: These beings came as animals so they wouldn’t be noticed?

L: Yes, because they were not humanlike.

D: What did they really look like?

L: They were very small, and they had large round heads and little bodies that were withery. They had arms and legs, but they were very pliable. They weren’t like human arms and legs. They thought they would be too noticeable, and people would be afraid and put them to death.

D: So they had this ability to make themselves appear as animals?

L: Right. They had the ability to take on the look of an animal. They disguised themselves. They stepped into that existence.

D: And this way they could influence people through their dreams, you said, in a subtle way.

L: Through their dreams. Right. It was hoped that if they could influence enough people that the project could be turned around very quickly. But evidently it was too subtle, too slow, so it failed also.

When I was researching Indian legends for my book Legend of Starcrash I found many stories of animals appearing to humans in the earliest times to impart knowledge. This is very much a part of American Indian culture. Other cultures throughout the world also have similar legends. It is interesting to note that in modem day UFO/ Alien sightings the extra-terrestrials often appear as animals as an overlay or screen memory so the human will not be frightened.

D: Why were not more lraniusans sent to the planet Earth? Since they are a very strong intellectual race, they could overcome all those who were on Earth at that time.

L: The answer to that my friend, is: force never ever works. That is not a viable solution. Those on Earth must come to the realization through their own choice. Force has been used too often as a solution to many problems. This never ever works.

D: That’s a good answer. How long did this interim time of degradation last before more were sent?

L: It lasted for ten thousand years. The decision was made to allow the Earth to grow a little while on its own, and maybe find something for itself. Things didn’t change for a very long time. People grew, but grew in darkness. There was very little light in their hearts.

D: What were the people doing that was dark?

L: They were very primitive. And there was not much love. There was much killing, much hate, many power struggles, which continued on for many centuries, many eons. The darkness pervaded for a very long time.

D: What about Earth changes during this time?

L: There were many changes on the surface. There were very many who were taken from the planet in hopes of recruiting lighter energies.

What kind of Earth changes took place during that time?

L: There were floods. Water, water everywhere. Continents that were together broke apart. There were times of intense heat. Heat so hot that those who were here expired. Some travelled to other parts to escape. Those who did escape started new colonies, praying for guidance and knowledge.

D: What caused the continents to break apart? And why was there so much water?

L: Beneath the surface of the Earth there are things called “grids” which hold the earth together. And when all of this was happening, these things within the Earth’s surface changed their position and made the continents split apart. The water came from the heat melting the frozen water. When these continents split apart many were lost. Humans, plants, animals, they were lost. Then came the cooling-off period after this intense heat. As it cooled much new vegetation began to emerge. New life began to evolve, and there was great hope of having the Earth come into the light. They thought now they had learned that love and acceptance of one’s neighbour would thrive. And it did for a while, but not for very long. People tire of a peaceful existence, and look for something exciting and different. And this is what happened eventually.

D: You mean it was the nature of humans to not be satisfied when things were going good?

L: Yes. And that is what was hoped to change. But it didn’t.

D: What did they do when they wanted something exciting?

L: They at first would play games, and then games became a test of strength and will. And one thing led to another, and they were back to the power thing. The “I am important. I am stronger. I am better.” This has been very hard for people to understand and learn from. They keep falling into the same trap that is set for them.

D: Do you think that’s because the blood of the ones who came here is integrated into the people? Is that where it came from, or is it human nature?

L: It is human nature that is magnified on the plane of existence through the intermixing of the cultures. The people from other lands, other places. They came and sought to make the world better, but were taken in. So therefore what they chose to destroy and make better only magnified through them into the Earthly existence.

D: So their genes helped to make this trait stronger? Would that be a way to say it?

L: Yes. And they were sent to do something different for the planet. That is why it was a long time before anyone else was sent, because of the fear of magnifying it yet again.

D: All right. I think that’s all the time we’re going to have right now for questions. But I can return in a little while and ask more.

L: That would be fine. I will be here.

D: And we can continue the story from that point.

L: We have only touched the surface of the beginning.

D: We have to begin somewhere. I have many, many questions.

I then brought Linda forward to full consciousness. She wanted to tell me about an image that remained in her mind. I turned the tape recorder back on for her description.

D: You said you could see the inside of the world?

L: It was as if it was hollow, and there were things that held it together. I don’t know what they were. They were moving inside. And it was like a lot of stuff was going on top. (Hand motions.) Going like this, up and down. In the middle of the Earth it looked like a hollow ball. And these things on the sides of the ball were moving up and down. I don’t know what they were. They were things that held it together. Those people who came the second time had big round heads, and they were silver. They had bodies, but they had these extensions coming out of their arms and in their middle and their legs.

D: Extensions?

L: Have you ever seen those statues and drawings from the eastern cultures of some of their gods? They had human faces and bodies, and arms coming out in different directions?

D: I’ve seen some that have all these arms.

L: Yeah, right. Except that these people were very little, and had huge round heads. I don’t remember the faces. They had no hair. Then they had all these arms and legs coming out in different places.

D: Then these were real appendages, real arms and legs.

L: Right. They were little people. Their whole being was shiny. I don’t know if they wore suits or whether it was the people themselves. It was silver all over, one solid colour everywhere.

D: And they knew they couldn’t present themselves that way to people, because they looked so different. It would have been too frightening. (Right) Did you mean they could go into an animal or make themselves appear as an animal?

L: I understood it that they came down and went into the animal somehow. Into their intellect or however they did it. I don’t know. They did it so they could be in dose proximity of the human being.

D: I was thinking if an animal started talking to a human, no matter how far back in time, that would have startled them. But it wasn’t that way.

L: No. It was done through the mind somehow, or through their dreams. But the reason they went into these animals was so they could be with the humans in close physical contact. I guess these people must have had pets, because I saw these people sleeping and these animals lying in close proximity.

D: Could you see what the first people looked like? The ones that were made into slaves?

L: I saw them in the form of a human being. They were dark. I don’t know whether it was the context that they were of the dark side or lower in intelligence or growth or something, bull would see them in dark. And these first beings that came down looked very human, but they were light-skinned. You know, in our religious background we’re taught that Adam and Eve came and propagated all the other people on the Earth. And from what I’m getting from this, it is different There were lots of these people on the Earth. But yet when I picture these dark people they’re grovelling on the ground. And there again I don’t know if that was a synonym-type thing for light beings and dark beings. But it was very obvious to me that these light ones were up here and erect, and there’s this grovelling mass of dark down here.

D: Of course they must have been very much in awe or frightened of these people. I wonder if they were primitive to begin with, and that’s why they were easily enslaved.

L: I would assume, from what was being said, that they had very little knowledge. And these other beings were here to enlighten them and bring them to a higher level of existence. So from that I would perceive they were very primitive.

D: There would be a lot of fear and awe, and they took advantage of that. Whether these beings were human, humanoid or whatever, they were not evolved to the point where they couldn’t go on a power trip when people were falling down on their knees. So it shows that even somebody that advanced can be corrupted.

L: They weren’t perfect beings, but they were knowledgeable, and I guess that’s why they came, to bring their knowledge. They looked human and very regal. Very tall and quite confident. And I remember saying they made gods out of them.

D: You can see why they would.

L: And those light beings on that planet that he’s telling the story to. They were very bright, white light. It was like a blob. The globs of light. They reminded me of the shape of that Casper the Ghost cartoon. Except that it was very bright intense light, and they were very peaceful, very happy, loving. They just like to share love.

The keyword put Linda into the deep trance state once again. And we returned to the same scene we had left a few hours before. Bartholomew continued as though there had been no interruption.

L: I am standing on a platform in front of my students. I am taking questions at this time.

D: Before we take questions again, I would like to clarify something you said earlier. Those first people that were here on Earth when the others came. Do you know where they came from?

L: They were here. They were Earth beings.

D: Were you told what these original beings looked like?

L: I assumed they were humans like me. I never asked.

D: All right. Then we had taken the story up to the time where you spoke about the catastrophe with the Earth’s continents breaking up, and the people moving to where they would be safe.

Why these people were dissatisfied with their situation? Why they disrupted the peace they had known for several years?

L: The answer to that is very confusing to me. I was told that they wanted to experience an emotional state of a higher nature. They were tired of the calm. They wanted excitement in their life. And when the games became war, this provided that outlet for them. Their hearts became darkened, and there was much killing, much trauma. It was something they desired for themselves to experience.

D: They were tired of peace. Bored, so to speak?

L: Not bored so much as, it did not afford them much emotional outlet. They felt that extremes in behaviour promoted their emotional needs. It gave them experiences they wanted to explore for themselves. Not realizing that when they allowed these emotions to rule, they were losing the light within themselves. It did not leave, however it became very, very dim. And all because of wanting to experience the exhilaration of emotional states and trauma.

D: Didn’t you say the space beings decided to leave them alone, and let them try to work things out for themselves?

L: Yes. At this time there were not many of these people, and they were not a danger to anyone. So it was decided to leave them to their own resources. And they would either grow in this experience or they would be demolished. And then the planet could be given over to others who wanted to live a life of good.

D: Were the space beings watching the people all this time through their history?

L: Yes. They would just shake their heads in amazement at the black arts, wondering why.

D: Where were they watching from? All of these things must have taken a long period of time.

L: Their time is much different than our concept of time. They could tune into it through mental projections, or sometimes they actually visited the planet in a physical manner. This was not done very often because it was not safe to do so. People here at this time were very bad, and they killed others with no second thought. There was much murder.

D: Why were these space beings so concerned? Couldn’t they just go away and forget about Earth?

L: No, because there was a master plan for this Earth. It is the most beautiful planet in this universe. It was designed in beauty as an experiment. Unfortunately it never evolved in the way it was designed. It was to be an experiment in emotion and physical pleasures. Things that many other places do not have. It was designed to be an experience for those who came here, and then to leave. People would come here on holiday to experience the Earth, the pleasures that it would give. Physical pleasures that these beings would normally not experience.

D: You mean, they came here like on vacations and such before the situation got bad?

L: It was before people inhabited this Earth. Then some of them got so involved in this physical pleasure, they got so mired in it, they did not leave. They stayed to experience it further. The longer they stayed, the less they were able to leave. They lost the ability to leave. So they were here when the first set of beings came. The ones who were supposed to help those who were mired in the physicalness of this planet, to help them regain their light spirits. They also were caught up in it.

D: They were supposed to help them get back what they had forgotten, but it didn’t work that way.

L: No, because they too were caught. So they stayed also. And became intertwined with those that were here first.

D: You said it was part of the master plan in the beginning. Can you tell me anything about that?

L: In the beginning the plan was a beautiful plan. The plan would allow souls to come to Earth to visit the beauty, to take pleasure in Earthly things, as a reward for things they had done in other worlds. It was meant to be a short vacation, a pleasurable experience, and then to leave and go on about their existence.

D: That was the master plan?

L: Yes. It was like a reward for a job well done.

D: It seems like everything went wrong, didn’t it?

L: Yes. It was sad. This was not the first time I had heard this. In other regressions dealing with other subjects, Earth is mentioned as a vacation spot, a holiday retreat, where beings from many different words and dimensions came in the early days before the world was contaminated by humans. This was said to be before souls became entrapped in the physicality of Earth.

D: When the flood came, and the continents broke apart. Was that an abrupt change or if it was a gradual thing that happened?

L: In some instances it was very abrupt. But the healing of the planet was a gradual thing. What was abrupt was when the flooding began. It destroyed a great deal and came very quickly. There was practically nowhere on the planet that it didn’t touch. Most inhabitants were caught and lost. Only very few survived. It was hoped this would make them see the error they had made previously, and they could be thankful for the peace that now visited them. But they soon tired of it.

I wondered about the flood legends that are prevalent in every culture of the world. But this might have been a very ancient and primitive time in Earth’s history. Apparently the Earth has shifted several times, and floods of great severity are not uncommon in our history. The Biblical flood and others may have occurred at a later date. It is as though there is really nothing new in the physical history of the world, but a repetition of a series of events. Some of these things have been recorded in ancient records, and some probably occurred before our conception of record-keeping.

D: Why did the people who were left not leave the planet if they were enlightened enough to be saved?

L: The answer is that they were not enlightened beings. They were still Earth beings, and they had no desire to leave. They did not know of an existence outside of their own daily life. So they were not aware of the fact that there was a choice. Therefore they did not know they could leave. And probably it is well they didn’t.

D: Do you think if they had left it would have contaminated other places that they went?

L: That is a possibility, because their motives were not as pure as some. If they visited places that were receptive to their way of thinking, they might have influenced them. However, there were so few of them, I doubt whether that would have been a possibility.

D: When was the decision made to, send in more light beings?

L: It was not until many years later, when the Earth was again visited by a ship. There were many people on this ship, and they came, not to stay, but to instruct many who were here. They were not allowed to intermingle with the Earth people. They were only to teach them enough that would stimulate their thinking process to evolve a little more into the light.

D: But first, what did those people look like who came this time? You said there were many.

L: There were very many. They were human-like in some ways. Enough that they would be accepted. They were very, very tall, and had funny feet.

D: Funny feet? What do you mean?

L: They didn’t have hands and feet like ours. They were kept covered so as not to be noticed. They wore shoes and gloves at all times, so as not to frighten anyone. Their eyes were very large, and dark. And they only had holes in their face instead of a nose. They had a mouth although they did not use it in ways that we do. They did not speak a language or eat food of the Earth, nor did they drink liquids.

D: What did they use for sustenance then?

L: They have a system totally foreign to human concept. It is a energy system of light, promoted, vitalized, revitalized through a series of light.

D: You mean it was light that kept them alive?

L: Yes. Without it they would die. They brought their lights with them on the ship, and would have to rest in a chamber from time to time to become revitalized. They only had to spend a short time in these little places, but it was crucial to their health that they do this on occasion.

A similar concept was reported in “Legacy From the Stars” where beings lay down in a sarcophagus to take a light bath. This was also their only sustenance and they said the light originated from the Source.

D: Did these beings all come to one place on the Earth?

L: No. There were satellite ships that left the main ship and went to different areas where there were people. They kept in contact with the main ship periodically comparing notes on their progress.

L: Some were more successful than others. Some failed completely. Most were successful however. They taught very many things to the Earthlings, things that would enhance their physical existence. Philosophies that would enhance their spiritual and philosophical outlook, hoping to plant that spark of light that might grow.

D: What kind of things did they teach them to help their physical life?

L: They gave them knowledge of agriculture: times to plant, times to harvest, how to plant, which they did not know. They were hunters previous to this, and did a lot of killing. The mission was to divert their attention from killing to a more positive mode, such as growth and harvest, another source of food and energy. This also would keep them stationary or in one place, rather than living a nomadic life. They would have more time to think and develop their reasoning powers if they were stationary. They also taught them how to use animals rather than killing them. They taught them to be kinder to one another, and to live a more harmonious existence. Unfortunately the people looked upon the teachers again as their gods. But this time the teachers remained true: they were not caught up in the Earthly existence. Their purpose was to come to teach. And when their assignment was finished, they all left together. This experiment was considered a great success.

The Earth people were given a better existence, and a reason to expand on what they had. They were taught and they were given a more stable existence than any they had known in a long time. And a chance to use their minds in a way they had not thought of before.

D: These were very good things.

L: Yes. It was a very good project, and many were happy and rejoiced for some time over its completion.

D: But you said some of the teachers went to places where it was a failure.

L: Yes, because those people were so steeped in their Earthly pleasures. They could not nor would they accept any help, so they were left to their own devices, to evolve as they would or to be lost. To die off, which many did. Because they didn’t listen, they were lost.

D: Were there any specific races that may have died off because of this? Races that no longer exist on Earth?

L: In this lime the Earth beings were all alike. It would be some lime before there would be a difference in colour and look. At this time they were all similar, and there were not very many at all.

D: When did the changes come that made the different colours and the different languages, dialects that are spoken on the Earth?

L: This happened sometime later in the Earth’s evolvement. It had to do with other seedings that took place in different areas. People came from all over the universe. Some stayed and intermarried with the Earth beings. This was a long process before it developed into what we know exists today.

D: Have you been told of any colours that used to be on Earth that no longer exist? (No) But these skin colours occurred because of other beings coming from other worlds?

L: Yes. It was a slow evolvement.

D: l had always thought some of it was caused by hot and cold climate. That’s not the only factor?

L: No. That may have happened afterward, but previous to that it was caused by the intermingling of the people. At one time we were all alike. There was no difference. And then we started to marry beings from other worlds, and that is when the changes started to evolve.

D: What were we like when we were all the same?

L: When we were all the same, we were brown-coloured skin. That was the colour. It was a very warm brown.

D: Did we have hair?

L: No. No hair.

D: Did that come through the intermingling?

L: Yes. We intermingled with people from other planets, and also with some animals. We wanted to have the strength of these animals, and thought we could get it by mingling with them. It was a very bad idea, because there were many strange-looking beings that evolved from these mattings. And it affected our speech and our capacity to think rationally. So it was stopped. Because it was very, very bad.

D: It caused the humans to regress rather than progress.

L: Yes. They became more animalistic than human. And we had already gone backward enough. So it was forbidden to do any further mingling with animals.

D: Were there any certain animals that were bred with more than others?

L: Yes. Ones that were very strong and large were the ones usually chosen, because of the physical strength and the greatness of their stature.

D: But you said it created some very strange-looking beings.

L: Yes, it did.

D: Were those traits passed down? They didn’t all die off. Did they?

L: No. Some did, but some strength stayed.

D: But they were not positive traits.

L: No. Except for, it did give the Earthlings larger stature than they had previously. They were small in stature and this did bring about a change in size. And also added physical strength they had not had previously.

D: But it had enough of a negative side-effect that it was forbidden after that.

L: Yes. It was not good, because these first offspring cared nothing for their families or life. They only sought solitude and physical existences, sheer survival.

D: It was not what the space beings wanted.

L: No. The purpose they had in mind was to teach the Earthlings to get along with one another in a more open and loving existence. And these creatures were loners. They did not interact with other beings unless it was necessary for their physical survival. The second generation from these beings was a little better. They had at least participated in a community.

D: These space beings that came from many places and interbred, and eventually created the different races. Did they come with good motives?

L: Some did. They brought with them technology and a philosophy of good intentions. Others came to explore, only to explore. They did not come to teach or to help, but just to see. These people unfortunately could become entangled in the Earthly ways by accident, and it would be difficult for them to want to leave ..

D: So there were different reasons for coming. Was there a reason they were all coming at about the same time?

L: Because the first experiments in agriculture were successful, and those beings left en masse. And it was thought that the Earth would progress more rapidly if it were given more experiences. The breeding program had been stopped, and it was felt that now was the time to come in and assist in a higher form of existence. Some genuinely came to do this work. Others came because of the curiosity of it. Others came for selfish motives. They came to conquer. They were warriors in their own existence. Theirs was a very small planet. And most other people did not associate with these beings because they were too self-serving. And so they were isolated from the others. They saw this as an opportunity to advance themselves in the universe. You see, no one was allowed to come to Earth for a long lime. Then the permission was given to come to the Earth at this time. The first people who came were from the planet Syrus. They were the ones that were successful and left. And because they were successful it was felt that maybe others could help also. But that was not the case. Some did, some did not.

D: These ones that were like warriors, why weren’t they forbidden to come?

L: I think they came without asking. It was unexpected.

D: I was thinking there might have been some group or someone who would be in charge of this, and keep the undesirable people from coming here. Do you know anything about a group like that?

L: Yes. It has been in existence for a very long time. However, it was felt that the Earth had so many problems that it wouldn’t matter. They were here, they did not ask for permission. They just came. And once they were here it was like they would just integrate. And it couldn’t be any worse than what it was.

D: I see. I thought maybe someone would have ordered them to leave.

L: They did have some good qualities along with their negative ones. They were highly intellectually evolved. They were motivated in the wrong direction by their intelligence. They were dynamic leaders in developmental skills.

D: I would like to know why these people on Earth could not be taught a better existence through the aspect of love and refinement of spirit?

L: The answer is that they could be taught these things, if they desired them. But at this time they did not desire to be any more than what they were. It is a universal law.

One may not infringe on another without permission. And these people were satisfied with the way things were, not wanting any changes at that time. It is very hard for me to understand why a person would not want a better life if it were offered to him. But that Is the way it was.

D: Didn’t they consider it an infringement when they brought them agriculture and technology?

L: They accepted these things as gifts. They wanted these things for themselves. They did not want a new philosophy. They were only interested at that time in the physical aspects of their existences.

D: The material things to help their lives?

L: Right. They were not interested in anything beyond what they could feel, see or be. It was only hoped that the planting of that small spark would allow it to grow, even so slowly, but at least it was a start. It would take very many eons for it to be awakened.

I had received this same information from others. It is mostly presented in “Keepers of the Garden”. In the beginning of my work I thought the concept of the seeding of the planet Earth rather radical. But it has been presented through many subjects, and I always think the repetition of evidence adds validity, because the people Involved have no way of knowing what I have already received.

L: Many distortions have occurred over the years, and so we have much misinformation about these things. It will be my pleasure to clarify the things and to show you the progression, in the hopes that the light will shine brightly and everyone will see it for themselves. In this way our planet can evolve and be a part of what it was destined from the beginning. We will become beings of light also, if we will only allow ourselves to reject all that is not of this light. All that is not of the perfect essence from which we all, at one time, evolved. To get back to that place in one’s destiny would be most wondrous.