As Anastasia was telling me about the communities of the future, which would be comprised of family domains (Spaces of Love), I asked her:
“Anastasia, please show me the Russia of the future. I know you can.
“Yes, I can. What place in the future Russia would you like to see, Vladimir?”
“Well, how about Moscow?”
“Would you like to go to the future alone, Vladimir, or together with me?”
“It’d be a lot better with you. You can explain anything I see and don’t understand.”
The touch of Anastasia’s warm hand at once induced a sleepy state, and I started to see …
Anastasia showed me the future of Russia the same way she showed me life on another planet. At some point scientists will probably understand just how she does this, but the means she used are quite irrelevant in this case. In my view, the most important thing is information about what specific actions will enable us to bring about this splendid future.
The Moscow yet to come was nothing like I had imagined. The city had not expanded its geographical boundaries. There were no skyscrapers, as I might have expected. The walls of the old houses were decorated in cheerful colours, and many were painted with pictures – landscapes and flowers. I later found out that this was the work of foreigners. First, they covered the walls with some kind of plaster, and then artists – also from abroad – added the ornamentation. Intertwining vines hung down the roofs of n1any of the houses, their leaves rustling in the wind, as though greeting the passers-by.
Almost all the streets and avenues of the capital were planted with trees and flowers. Right down the middle of Kalinin Avenue (or the New Arbat, as it is called) stretched a green boulevard about four metres wide. Concrete kerbs rose about a half-metre above the pavement, enclosing earthen beds from which sprouted grass and wild flowers, interspersed at brief intervals with various kinds of trees: rowans with their clusters of red berries, birches, poplars, currant and raspberry bushes and a host of other plants such as one might find in a natural forest.
There were similar boulevard strips down the centre of many of Moscow’s avenues and broad streets. And on the reduced traffic portion of these streets there didn’t seem to be very many motorcars – mainly buses carrying passengers who did not look at all Russian in their appearance. The same could be said of many of the pedestrians on the sidewalks. I wondered for a moment whether Moscow had been occupied by a technically more developed country. But Anastasia reassured me, saying that the people I was seeing here were not occupiers, but simply foreign tourists.
”And what draws them to Moscow?” I asked.
“The atmosphere of a grand creation, refreshing air and water,” carne the reply. “Look and see how many people are standing along the banks of the Moskva River and collecting water in containers on strings they let down from the high embankments, and drinking the river water with great delight!”
“But how can they drink water straight from the river without boiling it first?”
“Look and see, Vladimir, how pure and transparent the water is in the Moskva River. It contains living water, not water deadened by gases like the kind sold in bottles throughout the world.”
“It must be a fantasy – something impossible to believe!”
”A fantasy? But when you were little, would you and your friends have believed it if someone told you that before long people would be selling water in bottles?”
“You’re right: when I was young, nobody would have believed that. But how was it possible to make the water so pure in such a big city as Moscow?”
“Stop polluting it, stop throwing harmful waste into it, stop littering the river banks.”
“It was that simple?”
“Exactly. Nothing fantasy-like – it is actually all quite simple. Today the Moskva River is protected even from the runoff water flowing over the pavement, and it is closed to dirty ships. They used to consider the Ganges in India sacred, but now the whole world adores the Moskva River and its water, they adore the people who restored the water to its pristine vitality. And people come here from many countries to see this wondrous marvel, taste the water and find healing.”
”And where are all the local residents? Why are there so few passenger cars in the streets?”
“There are only about a million-and-a-half Muscovites actually living in the capital now, though the number of tourists from various countries can be more than six times that figure,” replied Anastasia, and added: “There are fewer cars because the remaining residents have managed to arrange their day on a more rational basis, reducing their need to move around. Their work is usually close by; close enough to walk. And the tourists get around using just the metro and the buses.”
”And what’s happened to all the other Muscovites?”
“They live and work in their splendid family domains (Spaces of Love).”
“Then who works in the plants and factories? Who looks after the tourists?”
And Anastasia told me the following:
”As the year 2000 (according to the accepted Earth calendar of the time) was drawing to a close, the Russian leadership was still in the process of determining the country’s path of future development. The majority of Russian citizens were not particularly inspired by the path the so-called prosperous countries of the West were taking.
“Russians had already tried the food products from these countries, but did not have much of a taste for them. It turned out that the development of what was termed technical progress in these countries came hand-in-glove with various diseases of both the body and the soul. Crime and drugs became increasingly rampant, and women were less and less inclined toward child-bearing.
“Russians were not attracted to the conditions in which the peoples of the ‘developed’ nations lived. Neither did they wish to revert to the old social order, but they had not yet seen any new path. An increasing mood of depression took hold of the country, affecting the whole society in ever greater nun1bers. Russia’s population was ageing and dying.
”At the beginning of the new millennium, at the initiative of the Russian President, a decree was signed granting free and unconditionally to each willing family one hectare of land whereon to establish a family domain. The decree allotted this land to the family for lifetime use, with the right to pass it on to their heirs. Any produce grown in this domain would not be subject to taxation of any kind.”
“Russian parliamentarians supported the President’s initiative and the Russian Constitution was amended accordingly. The primary aims of the decree, in the eyes of the President and the parliamentarians, were: reducing unemployment in The country, guaranteeing a minimum income level to needy families and solving the refugee problem. But what subsequently happened was something none of them could have fully imagined.”
(On 7 July 2003, less than three years after this book was released in Russian, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into federal law the “Private Garden- plot Act” (Zakon o lichnom podsobnom khoziaistve). According to this law, Russian citizens can receive free of charge from the state plots of land in private inheritable ownership. The maximum size of plots differs from one region to another, but in most cases is between r and 3 hectares. The produce grown on the plots is not subject to taxation. Subsequently, on President Putin’s instructions the Russian government developed and introduced into the Russian parliament another law to further facilitate the acquisition of land for gardening. This second law “vas passed in June 2006.)
“When the first allocation of land was made for organising a community numbering more than two hundred families, the plots of land in question were taken up not just by the needy; the unemployed or poverty-stricken refugees, but primarily by middle-income families and wealthy entrepreneurs who had read your books, Vladimir. They had been anticipating this turn of events. And they were not just idly waiting for it – many of them had already been growing their own family trees in their apartments from seeds planted in clay pots, and the mighty cedars and oaks of the future were already sprouting their first little shoots.
“It was these entrepreneurs who initiated and financed plans for a community with an infrastructure facilitating a convenient lifestyle, as you wrote in your book Co-creation. These plans provided for a store, a medical clinic, a school, a club, roads and a lot else besides. In fact, entrepreneurs made up about half the number of people who expressed their desire to rearrange their life and daily routine to live in the first of the new communities.
“They all had their own businesses, their own source of income. For the actual construction work and setting up their they required a labour force. The ideal solution, they discovered, was to hire their neighbours from among the needy families as construction and landscape workers. That way some of these families got jobs right away; which gave them the wherewithal to finance their own construction projects. The entrepreneurs realised that nobody would prove to be more meticulous and efficient workers than those who were planning to live in the community themselves, and so external specialists would be hired only where such could not be found among the future community residents.
“Only the establishing of the future orchard and forest and the planting of the family trees and living fences was something each family endeavoured to do on their own.”
“Most of them did not yet have enough experience or knowledge as to how best to establish their plot, and as a result among the future residents the elderly people who did have this knowledge commanded considerable respect. The principal focus was not on temporary structures or even houses per se, but on the development of the landscaping. In each case the actual buildings people were going to live in were considered just one small part of the larger living house of God.”
“Within five years houses for permanent residence had been built on all the lots. They were quite varied in size and architectural style, but it was soon evident that the greatest treasure of each domain was by no means the size of a house. The greatest treasure lay elsewhere, and it was not long before it took form and outline in the splendid landscaping elements of each plot in particular as well as of the community as a whole.”
“The oaks and cedars planted in each plot were still very young, and each plot was surrounded by a living fence, which was only starting to grow. But with each new spring, apple and cherry trees, even though still quite small, came stridently into bloom in the young orchards, along with grass and flower beds that were doing their very best to resemble a splendid living carpet. The spring air was filled with delightful aromas and floral pollen. The air became truly invigorating.”
“And every woman living in this new community had a desire to bear children. This happened not only in young families but even people considered elderly suddenly began to bear children. People felt that even if they themselves did not live to see the splendid piece of their Motherland their hands had created, they wanted their children to – they wanted their children to delight in the sight and continue the co-creation begun by their parents.”
“At the beginning of the new millennium, in each plot, all living shoots represented the first shoots of a splendid, happy future for the whole Earth. The people that established for centuries to come the first family domains had still not completely felt the significance of what they had done – they simply began looking more joyfully at the world around them. They were still not consciously aware of the great joy their actions were bringing to their Heavenly Father. The Father was sending tears of joy and tenderness upon the Earth amidst the drops of the falling rain. And He smiled with the sunshine and was endeavouring to use the little branches of young trees to give a secret caress to His children who had suddenly become aware of eternity and had come back to Him.”
“The Russian press began writing about the new community; and many people wanted to see this splendid phenomenon for themselves so that they could create one of their own like it. Perhaps even create a better one.”
“Millions of Russian families were seized with the inspired desire for a splendid co-creation. Communities similar to the first one sprang up simultaneously in various regions of the country: An entire movement began, not unlike our contemporary dacha movement.”
“Within nine years after the first decree was signed allowing people to establish their lives independently and make their lives happy, more than thirty million families had become involved in creating their own kin’s domains, their own piece of the Motherland. They have been cultivating their splendid plots of ground, using, in the process, living, everlasting materials created by God. And, by so doing, they were creating together with Him.”
“Each of these families turned their hectare of land provided for their lifetime use into a little corner of Paradise. Against the backdrop of the vast spaces of the Russian Motherland, a single hectare seemed like a very small piece indeed. But there were many such pieces. And all of them together made up a vast Motherland. Through these pieces, all created by loving hands, the whole Motherland flourished like a garden in Paradise! This was their Russia!”
“On each of the hectares were planted both evergreens and deciduous trees. People were already aware how the trees themselves would fertilise the ground and the balance in soil composition would be maintained by the grasses growing all around. And nobody had it even cross their mind to use chemical fertilisers or toxic chemicals.”
“The quality of Russia’s air and water improved and became health-giving. The food shortage problem was completely resolved. Each family was able – easily and without undue effort – not only to provide for themselves from what grew in their domain, but also to sell their surplus”
“Every Russian family with its own domain started to become rich and free, and Russia as a whole began to grow into the most rich and powerful state in comparison with other countries in the world.”
“Hold on, Anastasia, I don’t understand how the state as a whole suddenly got rich. You yourself said that the produce from family domains wasn’t subject to any kind of tax, so what has made the state so rich?”
“How can you possibly ask what? Think about it more carefully, Vladimir. You are an entrepreneur, after all.”
“Well, since I an1 an entrepreneur, I happen to know that the state has always tried its hardest to squeeze just a little more tax out of every citizen. And here you tell me it’s gone and axed thirty million families from the tax roll. The families, of course, could have got very rich, but at the same time it should mean bankruptcy for the state.”
“The state did not go bankrupt. First, unemployment was completely eliminated, since any Man who found himself without a job in the industrial, commercial or public sectors (as we know them today) was able to devote himself either fully or partially to work – or putting it more specifically, to co-creation in his own domain. The total elimination of unemployment freed up significant financial resources.”
“The abundant supply of food provided by the families with their own domains spared the state from any kind of expenditure on agricultural production. But, more importantly, thanks to the vast number of families who established their domains in accordance with the Divine plan, the Russian state received an income significantly higher than it realises today from the sale of oil, gas and other resources traditionally regarded as its basic sources of income.”
“What could possibly bring it more income than oil, gas and arms sales?”
“A great deal, Vladimir for example, air, water, ethers, loveliness, contact with the energy of co-creation, the contemplation of pleasant things.”
“It’s still not completely clear, Anastasia. Couldn’t you put it in more specific terms? Where did the money come from?”
“I shall try my best. The extraordinary changes taking place in Russia attracted the attention of many people all over the globe. The world press began writing about the major change in lifestyle most Russians were experiencing. This became a burning issue for a good deal of the world’s population. A huge flood of tourists began pouring into Russia. There were so many that wanted to come, it was impossible to accept them all, and many had to wait their turn, even as long as several years. The Russian government was forced to limit the length of stays by foreign tourists, since many of them, especially the elderly, were attempting to stay months and even years here.”
“The Russian government collected huge levies from each foreigner entering the country, but this by no means reduced the number of those applying to come.”
“But why did they want to visit here in person, if they could see it all on TV? You did say the world press was enlightening people about life in the new Russia.”
“People all over the world wanted more – they wanted to breathe Russia’s air which had become so health-giving. They wanted to drink its living water. To take a taste of fruits unlike any other in the world. To talk with the people who were stepping forward into God’s millennium and thereby both slake their souls’ thirst and heal their suffering bodies.”
“And what unusual kinds of fruit appeared? What were they called?”
“The same as they were called before, only the quality was completely different. You already know, Vladimir, how much better tomatoes and cucumbers taste when they are grown in the open air under the direct rays of the Sun, in comparison to hothouse varieties. Well, fruits and vegetables grown in soil free from harmful chemicals are even tastier and more healthful. And they have even greater healing properties when grown in the company of different kinds of herbs and trees. The mood and attitude of the grower also plays a role. And the ethers contained in the fruit also have a tremendous benefit for Man.”
“What do you mean by ethers?”
“Ethers are fragrances. A fragrance you detect signifies the presence of an ether which feeds not only the body but also the invisible essence of a Man.”
“Still not clear. Are we talking about the brain, perhaps?”
“One could say that ethers strengthen mental energy and feed the soul. Such fruits were grown only in Russia, and the greatest benefit is realised when used by Man on the day they are picked, and that is why so many people have come to Russia from all over the world- to taste these fruits, among other things.”
“Produce from the family domains very quickly took over the market, squeezing out not only imported fruits and vegetables but those that were still growing in the ordinary large acreage fields. People began to appreciate and feel the difference in the quality of the produce. Pepsi-Cola and the other soft drinks so popular today were replaced by fruit beverages made from natural berries. And even the most sophisticated and expensive liqueurs in today’s society could not compete with the sweet wines prepared from natural berries right in the domains.”
“These drinks also contained beneficial ethers, since the people preparing them in their domains knew that once the berries were picked, they had only a few minutes to begin making them into fruit liqueurs and wines.”
“An even greater source of income for families living in their domains was the sale of medicinal plants which they gathered from their groves, gardens and surrounding meadows.”
“In time the harvests of medicinal herbs from Russia became a far more sought-after commodity than drugs manufactured abroad – but only the herbs collected in the family domains and not those grown in specialised operations on huge tracts of land. A herb grown in a huge field among others of its own kind cannot take from the soil and surrounding space all the ingredients that are needful and useful to Man. Even though the produce from the domains cost a great deal more than what was produced by the so-called industrial method, people all over the world still preferred it.”
”And why did the owners of the domains jack up the price?”
“The minimum price was set by the Russian government.”
“The government? Why would it care? It doesn’t get anything from family domain production. Why would it take pains to enrich individual families?”
“You must remember, Vladimir, that the state itself consists of individual families, who, as the need arose, took to financing the infrastructure network in their communities – schools and roads, for example. Sometimes they would put money into projects on a national scale. Politicians and economists would publish their projects, but only those which people put their money into passed.”
“Tell me, what kinds of projects were the most popular among the majority?”
“The buying up of chemical conglomerates abroad, arms factories and scientific institutes.”
“Now there’s a switch! You told me that these families had a conscious awareness of the Divine, a sense of goodness. That it was thanks to them that the whole world was being transformed into a garden of Paradise, and now you’re talking about buying up chemical plants and arms manufacturing companies.”
“But these ventures were not aimed at producing weapons or harmful chemicals, but at destroying the factories making them. The Russian government was involved in the redirection of the international monetary flow. The energy of money; which had been feeding what was fatally harmful for mankind, was now aimed at the liquidation of the same.”
“And what happened – did the Russian government have enough money for such extravagant projects?”
“It did. Russia not only became the richest country in the world, but it became immeasurably richer than all the other countries. The whole world’s capital started flowing into Russia. Not only the wealthy, but even people of modest means flocked to deposit their savings exclusively in Russian banks. Many wealthy people simply willed their savings to the development of Russian projects – these were people who realised that the future of all mankind depended upon these projects being carried out. Foreign tourists who had visited Russia and seen new Russians could no longer live by their former set of values. They excitedly told their friends and acquaintances about what they had seen, and the flood of tourists kept getting bigger and bringing ever increasing profit to the Russian state.”
“Tell me, Anastasia, those people, you know, who live in Siberia, what projects could they undertake to become as wealthy as the people in central Russia? After all, in Siberia the summer is shorter and you won’t get very rich on growing garden produce.”
“People in Siberia, Vladimir, also began setting up their domains. Siberians used their plots of ground to grow things suitable to their climate, and they had one big advantage over residents of more southern climes. Siberian families received state allotments in the taiga, and each family took care of its own lands and harvested their gifts. And out of Siberia came health-giving berries and herbs. And … cedar nut oil.”
And how much did cedar oil fetch on the international market, in terms of dollars?”
“One tonne of cedar oil cost four million dollars.”
“Wow! Finally, it was priced at its true worth, which is eight times higher than what it was fetching before. I wonder how much of this cedar oil the Siberians would have prepared in a season?”
“In the year you are looking at now: three thousand tonnes were produced.”
“Three thousand?! Wow! That means they would have got twelve billion dollars just for harvesting cedar nuts.”
“More, in fact. You forgot that pressed cedar nuts can be made into excellent flour.”
“So how much would an average Siberian family make in a year from their labours – in terms of dollars?”
“On average, three to four million dollars.”
“Wowee! And you mean to tell me they still don’t pay any tax?”
“No tax at all.”
“In that case, where on earth could they spend money like that? Back when I worked in Siberia, I saw that anyone in a Siberian village who wasn’t lazy could provide enough for himself by hunting and fishing. But here you’re talking huge sums!”
“Like other Russians, they invested their money in national government projects. For example, initially, when the Russian people still had not discovered how to control the movement of the clouds, a great deal of the Siberians’ money went to the purchase of aeroplanes.”
“Aeroplanes? What would they need planes for?”
“To ward off clouds containing harmful deposits. These clouds would form over countries where deadly industrial pollution was still permitted. They were fought off by Siberian aviators.”
”And what about hunting – has it been confined to reserved family allotments in the taiga?”
“Siberians have totally stopped all hunting and the killing of animals. Many of them built summer residences on their allotments and spent their summers collecting herbs, berries, mushrooms and nuts. Young creatures of the forest right from birth saw human beings as not a threat to them and got accustomed to Man as an integral part of their territory. They began communicating with people, making friends with them.
“The Siberians taught many creatures to help them. For example, squirrels would throw down cedar cones with ripe nuts onto the ground, which gave the squirrels no end of pleasure. Some people trained bears to pull heavy baskets and sacks with nuts, and clear away trees felled by the wind.”
“Really! They even got bears helping!”
“There is nothing surprising in that, Vladimir. In times which people today call ‘ancient’, a bear was one of the most irreplaceable helpers in the household. He would use his paws to dig edible tubers out of the ground and put them in a large basket, and then take it upon himself to drag the basket on a rope to a pit cellar hollowed out of the ground not far from Man’s dwelling. He would climb trees in the forest to fetch log-hives filled with honey and bring them back to Man’s dwelling. He would take Man’s children into the forest to gather raspberry treats, as well as do a lot of other things for the household.”
“Wow! The bear replaced both the tractor and the plough, and brought home things to eat, and minded the children!”
”And all winter long he slept, needing no maintenance or repairs. And when spring came he would return to Man’s dwelling once more, and Man would treat him to the fruits of the previous autumn.”
“I see what’s going on: a reflex was trained in those bears to make it seem as though Man had stored up those supplies just for them.”
“You could call it a reflex, if that helps you gain a clearer understanding, but you could also say that is the way it was designed by the Father. I will only tell you that tubers were not the most important thing for the bear in the springtime.”
“What was, then?”
“After sleeping all alone in his lair, the whole winter long, when he awoke in the spring the first thing the bear did was hurry over to see Man, to feel Man’s caresses and hear his praise. All the creatures need Man’s caresses.”
“If dogs and cats are any example, you’re right. But what about the other creatures in the taiga – what did they do?”
“Gradually all the other taiga dwellers found themselves a niche too. And the highest reward for these tamed residents of the territory was a tender word or gesture or petting or scratching for those who had done an exceptionally good job. But they could get jealous of each other sometimes, if one of them seemed to win special favour from Man. They could even have a quarrel over this.”
“And what have Siberians been doing during the winter?”
“Processing the nuts. Instead of husking the cones right after gathering them, the way it is done in our time for ease of transport, they keep the nuts stored in their resinous cones. The nuts keep that way for several years. Also, during the winter women do handicrafts. For example, a hand-made shirt woven out of nettle fibres and embroidered by hand fetches quite a handsome price today. And in wintertime Siberians receive people from all over the world and treat their ills.”
“But, Anastasia, if Russia has indeed become such a rich land for Man to live in, surely that means that many other states have a desire to conquer Russia? Especially since, as you said, the arms factories have been shut down. Are you telling me Russia has become in fact an agrarian country; unprotected against an external aggressor?”
“Russia has not been transformed into an agrarian country. It has become a centre for world science.”
“And the factories manufacturing destructive weapons in Russia were eliminated only after people discovered an energy; before which the most up-to-date kinds of armaments not only proved useless, but even represented a threat to those countries which maintained them.”
“What kind of energy is that? Where does it come from and who discovered it?”
“This energy was possessed by the Atlanteans. But they got hold of it too early; and so, Atlantis disappeared from the face of the Earth. And it was rediscovered by the children of the new Russia.”
“Children?! You’d better run all this by me in the proper order, Anastasia.”
“Very well.”
Excerpt from the book “Who Are We?” by Vladimir Megre